Thursday, August 29, 2013

How to Begin the Organization Process

An Area Before We Organized It
When I began this process I would pick a room to start in.  Then I would take the time to plan what I wanted for a result.  There are so many ideas out there on the web.  I have also found a lot of great ideas on Pinterest.  Another way to find organization systems that really work is to pay attention to when you go and visit someone.  Most people are more than happy to give an organization tip or success story.
My plan could be as big as the whole room (right now we are in the process of planning out how we will organize the kids rooms when Buddy moves into a big boy bed) or more often I see something on a much smaller scale that I think would work and decide to give it a try.
Once I have a plan, it's time to put it into action.  I start by weeding out whatever I am organizing.  I divide it into 3 piles: Keep, Give Away, Trash.  Next, I handle the give away and trash piles.  I have found that it is best to do this right away.  If I wait the excuses keep building and it never gets done.  The Colonel is the king of procrastination, which at times can make moving forward with organization very difficult.  He is finally starting to see the benefits of organization for our family.  Next comes making sure the organization system we want is affordable and will fit where it needs to go.  There are times when a system I think is really cool just won't fit where I want it to go.  Then I either go back to the drawing board or get creative and make my own adjustments to make it work.  I also find that it is best to plan for one type of thing per container and to leave a little extra space in the container. 
Finally comes the fun part of purchasing or making the parts needed for the organization system. Some of the basics we have found helpful can be purchased at our amazon store.  There are some diy ideas on our pinterest board.  If you like what you see, please feel free to follow us.
Once the project is completed you get to sit back and enjoy or, as I often do, use that sense of accomplishment as motivation to start the next project.
Sometimes the process of organization is easy and other times it feels like the hardest thing you have ever done.  If you read Organization - Our Story then you will know our bedroom was the only area left to organize before our first apartment burned down.  When I started thinking about unpacking and organizing our bedroom in the new apartment I would get major panic attacks and migraines.  I couldn't even get to the actual organizing part.  I did a lot of journaling to help process the feelings.  The Colonel was extremely patient with me and forgiving as I would tend to flip out at him over the stupid little things rather than face the elephant in the room.  Journaling got me to a place where I was finally ready to face the elephant.  The first time I started unpacking/organizing our bedroom I doubt I lasted more than 5 minutes before I broke down and cried.  Nightmares started and I kept getting this awful sense that something awful was going to happen.  I kept reminding myself that I was doing this for my family and none of us deserved to live in clutter or chaos.  The more I worked on the room, the longer the time I could spend in there got and the better I felt about it.  Our plan to maintain it still needs some work, but the basics are finally done and the past has been conquered.
Do you have an organization success story?  

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